
Infiction is the action of impersonating fictional characters to deal with emotional problems / baggage, stress or to utilise as a coping mechanism. It is a voluntary action. anyone can partake in infiction and anyone can stop it as they please. It isn't a case of going in being brought upon you - you decide when to go in, who to go in as, and why you do it.To put it simply, all you need to do is force the mindset of the character you want to go infict as onto yourself. Imagine yourself as that character - What is their personality like? What are their memories? How do they react to the world around them? Depending on how you need to use them, you can vary the amount you want to remember and impersonate. For example, if I just need a quick pick-me-up, I might take a positive character and copy their personality. However, if I'm experiencing harsh negative emotions, I may copy the entire identity of a character who is well versed in emotional baggage.Essentially, you just become the character. Having a hard time being autistic? Become a character with autism, who can deal with traits easier. Need an outlet for your excitement? Become an overly cheery character! That's pretty much the gist of it.

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